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Natural Sciences
in Archaeology

Petr Pokorný

PF 2025

CEA - Conference of Environmental Archaeology



The 19th traditional annual Conference of Environmental Archaeology (CEA/KEA) held under auspices of IANSA journal will take place between 5th and 7th February 2025 at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia


Invitation for

19th Conference of Environmental Archaeology – CEA 2025

Held under auspices of the IANSA journal

Archaeology of Resources

Abstract submission deadline: November 30th, 2024 23:59h CET
Binding registration deadline: November 30th, 2024 23:59h CET


The archaeology of resources focuses on understanding how ancient societies utilized, managed, and interacted with natural resources.  It examines the material remains of past human activities related to the exploitation, management and conservation of resources such as water, soil, minerals, plants, and animals. By doing so it reconstructs the economic, social, and environmental aspects of past human life. It sheds light on the sustainability and resilience of ancient civilizations and offers lessons for contemporary resource management and environmental conservation.

We invite papers that address questions from five key areas:

  • Agricultural practices – crop cultivation, fieldscapes and water management as seen from botanical, isotopic or soil data perspectives
  • Animal husbandry and hunting – feeding, breeding of domesticates and hunting of wild game and their role in subsistence economies
  • Exploitation of raw materials – technologies, mining, quarrying techniques and environmental impact (pollution)
  • Environmental impact and sustainability – deforestation, land use, hydraulic engineering
  • Trade and exchange networks – resource distribution of artefacts and isotopic analyses of pottery, metals and food remains and food residues

Language of the conference: English

Host institution: Department of Archaeology and Faculty of Arts at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia).

Location: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
Venue: Main building at Trieda A. Hlinku 1, 94901 Nitra

Conference Dinner: February 6th, Stará Kotolňa Pub (3 course buffet style dinner, vegetarian options included)

Fieldtrip on February 7th, visit of Archeopark at Cífer-Pác and an Early Iron Age fillfort of Smolenice, departure 8:00 am, return 5:00 pm (right to change due to weather is reserved).

Abstracts and call for papers: We accept two types of submissions: 

  • Standard format for 15-minute oral presentations
  • Poster presentations
Abstract submission is limited to 500 words, 10 references, 3 figures; to be sent via conference e-mail:

Fee: 80 Eur, students 40 Eur

The fee includes the Book of Abstracts, Refreshments during coffee breaks, Conference dinner and Excursion.

Billing: An invoice will be issued based on this binding registration during January 2025, you will then pay by bank transfer.

Organisers: Mária Hajnalová, Katarína Šimunková, Zuzana Borzová (Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra), Monika Šutková, Economic Department Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra)


Scientific committee:
Zora Bielichová (Institute of Archaeology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra)
Ján Štubňa (Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Regional Development, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, CPU, Nitra)
Noemi Beljak-Pažinová (Deartment of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, CPU, Nitra)
Michaela Ptáková (LAPE, University of Southern Bohemia, České Budějovice)
Lenka Lisá (Geological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha)
Ondřej Mlejnek (ERCA - Excellent Research Centre of Archaeometry, Olomouc)



Download invitation in pdf (185 kB)

Download invitation in docx (197 kB)

Registration form:

Venue and locations:

Download map with main venue location in pdf (567 kB)

Download map with conference dinner location in pdf (689 kB)

Food tips:

Download map with food tips in pdf (759 kB)

Accommodation – everyone provides their own accomodation


General queries about the conference can be addressed to the organisers at:



CEA 2024

CEA 2023